Registration Closes TONIGHT at Midnight January 27- in just a few hours:

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Join The Perio Program™ Today- Grow Your Revenue with
Dr. Simon’s Proven Periodontal Surgery System

Join Today- This webinar special offer expires soon! 

Join The Perio Program™ Today- Grow Your Revenue with
Dr. Simon’s Proven Periodontal Surgery System

Join Today- This webinar special offer expires soon! 


This is a direct online course + mentorship with Dr. Ziv Simon!

"Learn every step to perform non-elective treatment on existing patients and create a growth center in your practice."

Diagnose Correctly

Treat non-elective cases well

Bring in recurring business

Improve implant success rate

This is a direct online course + mentorship with Dr. Ziv Simon!

"Learn every step to perform non-elective treatment on existing patients and create a growth center in your practice."

Diagnose Correctly

Treat non-elective cases well

Bring in recurring business

Improve implant success rate

Get the Turn Key Perio System For General Dentists! Join the "Perio Program Mentorship" Today! 

Get The Turn Key Perio System For General Dentists! Join The "Perio Program Mentorship" Today! 

Here's What's Included In This Unique 6 Part Program: 

Module 1- The Winning Perio Exam and Diagnosis

🎯 See the records he takes, the tests he recommends, the diagnoses (1 of 3 bucket diagnoses) and exactly how he communicates to his patients. You’ll see the fee structure and the forms he uses during this exam, and understand the potential this system has to uplevel your business.

☑️  Get the exact records and xrays you need.

☑️ Learn HOW and why to do bacterial DNA testing- step-by-step and the logic behind it.

☑️ Ask the right questions (Dr. Simon's interview method) to understand the case and build trust.

☑️ Learn how to convey the seriousness of any perio condition so patients take action.   

☑️ Examine the patient based on Dr. Simon's checklist.

☑️ See photo examples of the whole process so you can mimic it in your office.

☑️ Get the intuitive diagnosis system Dr. Simon uses with 3 diagnosis buckets: Simple/non-surgical, Moderate/surgical intervention, Advanced/complex treatment.

☑️ Introduce the workflow templates and checklists to go with each bucket diagnosis.​

☑️ Learn the diagnostic patient communication framework with exact wording​.

Part 2- Treatment Plan with the Confidence of a Periodontist

🎯 In this module, Dr. Simon teaches how to use the records you took and turn it into an action plan. He provides you with a template for each diagnosis and shows you how to complete it.

☑️ Get the treatment planning template. 

☑️ Determine the right sequence and time intervals between the treatment plan steps.  

☑️ Get the perio treatment plan checklist for your treatment coordinator.  

☑️ Set and see the fee schedule. 

☑️ Learn the admin side to scheduling perio treatment to grow your practice.  

☑️ See how to prepare the Rx before perio treatment.  

☑️ How to use online treatment planning signing for easy turnover.  

☑️ How to get medical clearance for your compromised patients.  

☑️ How to keep accurate records to track every patient with a straightforward system.  

Part 3- Simple Preparation for Surgery

🎯 In this module, Dr. Simon teaches you the simple and most effective periodontal treatment. Learn exact SRP system he uses in his periodontal practice. See every detail of successfully and correctly treating non-surgical perio cases, and learn why non-surgical treatment is more streamlined and profitable.

☑️ See the necessary steps for an effective SRP session.  

☑️ See the exact tools you must have for perio treatment. Learn how to use Piezo, Cavitron, Ultrasonic, and Cavijet and the proper settings for each machine. 

☑️ Learn "quality control" for your SRPs and guide your hygienists when needed. 

☑️ Learn how to manage your hygienists when they leave tartar behind or hurt patients! 

☑️ Chemotherapeutics - See what rinses to recommend. 

☑️ Learn how much time to allocate per quadrant. 

☑️ How to stay on the same page with your hygienist. 

☑️ Learn how to charge for non-surgical treatment and the payment schedule. 

☑️ Review patient communication system, sedation options, and re-evaluation/re-testing. 

☑️ See how to assign the SRPs to the hygienists and provide clear instructions. 

Part 4- Perio Surgery 101

🎯 In this module, Dr. Simon teaches you how to perform a simple periodontal procedure for debriding osseous defects, grafting those defects, and reducing perio pockets. Most perio patients will need between 1-4 quadrants of osseous surgery, and you will be able to provide this care. 

☑️ See how to identify a predictable osseous surgery.

☑️ See how to communicate with patients for case acceptance. 

☑️ See the fee structure for Surgery, bone graft, membrane, PRF, and the payment administration. 

☑️ See the needed tools for osseous surgery - Intuitive kit review.   

☑️ Learn osseous surgery flap design.    

☑️ Learn bone reduction burs: Ostectomy & Osteoplasty.    

☑️ How to suture when you do osseous surgery.    

☑️ Give accurate post surgical re-evaluation and/or re-treatment.

☑️ Help patients understand how relapse can happen and why follow up is important.

Part 5- Creating a Profitable Hygiene Program That Runs Like Clockwork! ⏱

🎯 In this module, Dr. Simon will teach you how to build a hygiene program at the level of a periodontal specialist. Learn and use the hygiene protocols and systems Dr. Simon has in his Beverly Hills Periodontal practice with 15 hygiene days per week and 7 hygienists. 

☑️ Create new patient indoctrination about proper cleaning schedule.

☑️ Communicate the shift to a “periodontist-level hygiene program.”

☑️ Set up a hygiene appointment structure.

☑️ Learn the right hygiene kit. 

☑️ See the hygiene fee schedule and scheduling yearly appointments.

☑️ Manage multiple hygienists and their education system.

☑️ Understand profitability, along with hygienists’ salary and their productivity

☑️ Handle “No show” and “late” patients.

☑️ Set up time allocation (from check in to check out) and the hygiene reminder system.

Part 6- Next-Level Treatment for Challenging Perio Cases 

🎯 In this module, Dr. Simon will take you through the ideal care for complicated and challenging cases. Learn how to handle patients that don’t respond to treatment and how to avoid patient disappointments by keeping full transparency and forward movement. See the case selection criteria to ensure you are handling patients at the highest level of care.. 

☑️ Understand what kinds of challenging cases you might see and how to profile and manage them with clarity and confidence. 

☑️ Learn how to handle perio disease combined with autoimmunity (lichen planus).  

☑️  How to take biopsies of suspicious lesions. 

☑️  How to handle periodontitis stage 3 and 4.

☑️  How to deal with necrotizing conditions and gingival hyperplasia due to medications.  

☑️  Understand periodontal disease in kids and young adults.

☑️  How to treat patients that are systemically compromised or on blood thinners.

Here's What's Included In This Unique 6 Part Program: 

Module 1- The Winning Perio Exam and Diagnosis

🎯 See the records he takes, the tests he recommends, the diagnoses (1 of 3 bucket diagnoses) and exactly how he communicates to his patients. You’ll see the fee structure and the forms he uses during this exam, and understand the potential this system has to uplevel your business.

☑️  Get the exact records and xrays you need.

☑️ Learn HOW and why to do bacterial DNA testing- step-by-step and the logic behind it.

☑️ Ask the right questions (Dr. Simon's interview method) to understand the case and build trust.

☑️ Learn how to convey the seriousness of any perio condition so patients take action.   

☑️ Examine the patient based on Dr. Simon's checklist.

☑️ See photo examples of the whole process so you can mimic it in your office.

☑️ Get the intuitive diagnosis system Dr. Simon uses with 3 diagnosis buckets: Simple/non-surgical, Moderate/surgical intervention, Advanced/complex treatment.

☑️ Introduce the workflow templates and checklists to go with each bucket diagnosis.​

☑️ Learn the diagnostic patient communication framework with exact wording​.

Part 2- Treatment Plan with the Confidence of a Periodontist

🎯 In this module, Dr. Simon teaches how to use the records you took and turn it into an action plan. He provides you with a template for each diagnosis and shows you how to complete it.

☑️ Get the treatment planning template. 

☑️ Determine the right sequence and time intervals between the treatment plan steps.  

☑️ Get the perio treatment plan checklist for your treatment coordinator.  

☑️ Set and see the fee schedule. 

☑️ Learn the admin side to scheduling perio treatment to grow your practice.  

☑️ See how to prepare the Rx before perio treatment.  

☑️ How to use online treatment planning signing for easy turnover.  

☑️ How to get medical clearance for your compromised patients.  

☑️ How to keep accurate records to track every patient with a straightforward system.  

Part 3- Simple Preparation for Surgery

🎯 In this module, Dr. Simon teaches you the simple and most effective periodontal treatment. Learn exact SRP system he uses in his periodontal practice. See every detail of successfully and correctly treating non-surgical perio cases, and learn why non-surgical treatment is more streamlined and profitable.

☑️ See the necessary steps for an effective SRP session.  

☑️ See the exact tools you must have for perio treatment. Learn how to use Piezo, Cavitron, Ultrasonic, and Cavijet and the proper settings for each machine. 

☑️ Learn "quality control" for your SRPs and guide your hygienists when needed. 

☑️ Learn how to manage your hygienists when they leave tartar behind or hurt patients! 

☑️ Chemotherapeutics - See what rinses to recommend. 

☑️ Learn how much time to allocate per quadrant. 

☑️ How to stay on the same page with your hygienist. 

☑️ Learn how to charge for non-surgical treatment and the payment schedule. 

☑️ Review patient communication system, sedation options, and re-evaluation/re-testing. 

☑️ See how to assign the SRPs to the hygienists and provide clear instructions. 

Part 4- Perio Surgery 101

🎯 In this module, Dr. Simon teaches you how to perform a simple periodontal procedure for debriding osseous defects, grafting those defects, and reducing perio pockets. Most perio patients will need between 1-4 quadrants of osseous surgery, and you will be able to provide this care. 

☑️ See how to identify a predictable osseous surgery.

☑️ See how to communicate with patients for case acceptance. 

☑️ See the fee structure for Surgery, bone graft, membrane, PRF, and the payment administration. 

☑️ See the needed tools for osseous surgery - Intuitive kit review.   

☑️ Learn osseous surgery flap design.    

☑️ Learn bone reduction burs: Ostectomy & Osteoplasty.    

☑️ How to suture when you do osseous surgery.    

☑️ Give accurate post surgical re-evaluation and/or re-treatment.

☑️ Help patients understand how relapse can happen and why follow up is important.

Part 5- Creating a Profitable Hygiene Program That Runs Like Clockwork! ⏱

🎯 In this module, Dr. Simon will teach you how to build a hygiene program at the level of a periodontal specialist. Learn and use the hygiene protocols and systems Dr. Simon has in his Beverly Hills Periodontal practice with 15 hygiene days per week and 7 hygienists. 

☑️ Create new patient indoctrination about proper cleaning schedule.

☑️ Communicate the shift to a “periodontist-level hygiene program.”

☑️ Set up a hygiene appointment structure.

☑️ Learn the right hygiene kit. 

☑️ See the hygiene fee schedule and scheduling yearly appointments.

☑️ Manage multiple hygienists and their education system.

☑️ Understand profitability, along with hygienists’ salary and their productivity

☑️ Handle “No show” and “late” patients.

☑️ Set up time allocation (from check in to check out) and the hygiene reminder system.

Part 6- Next-Level Treatment for Challenging Perio Cases 

🎯 In this module, Dr. Simon will take you through the ideal care for complicated and challenging cases. Learn how to handle patients that don’t respond to treatment and how to avoid patient disappointments by keeping full transparency and forward movement. See the case selection criteria to ensure you are handling patients at the highest level of care.. 

☑️ Understand what kinds of challenging cases you might see and how to profile and manage them with clarity and confidence. 

☑️ Learn how to handle perio disease combined with autoimmunity (lichen planus).  

☑️  How to take biopsies of suspicious lesions. 

☑️  How to handle periodontitis stage 3 and 4.

☑️  How to deal with necrotizing conditions and gingival hyperplasia due to medications.  

☑️  Understand periodontal disease in kids and young adults.

☑️  How to treat patients that are systemically compromised or on blood thinners.

Bonuses When You Join Tonight

Bonus #1- Live Zoom Mentorship Sessions with Dr. Simon

Access to the Surgical Master LIVE Monthly Coaching (1 year $4800 value)

 ☑️ 12 Monthly Group Coaching Sessions with Dr. Ziv Simon and the SurgicalMaster® team of Mentors.

 ☑️ Bring your clinical cases and challenges, and go live to discuss and troubleshoot your next big case.

 ☑️ Miss this LIVE session? It will be recorded to watch ANYTIME! 

Bonus #2- The Perio Experts
Training Series! 

The Perio Experts
Training Series($997 value)

☑️ 6 trainings by hand-picked expert periodontists who share the exact systems they use to treat periodontal disease so you, the general dentist, can gain a better understanding of the opportunities, issues, and solutions that are easily available to you.

Bonus #3- The Perio Patient Communication Atlas!

The Perio Patient Communication Atlas($497 value)

☑️ This is a digital communication & case acceptance tool used by Dr. Ziv Simon in his practice.

☑️ This Atlas is carefully curated to help you communicate perio conditions confidently with your patients. It’s your communications training wheels towards more clarity and case acceptance.   

Bonuses When You Join Tonight

Bonus #1- Live Zoom Mentorship Sessions with Dr. Simon

Access to the Surgical Master LIVE Monthly Coaching (1 year $4800 value)

 ☑️ 12 Monthly Group Coaching Sessions with Dr. Ziv Simon and the SurgicalMaster® team of Mentors.

 ☑️ Bring your clinical cases and challenges, and go live to discuss and troubleshoot your next big case.

 ☑️ Miss this LIVE session? It will be recorded to watch ANYTIME! 

Bonus #2- The Perio Experts
Training Series! 

The Perio Experts
Training Series($997 value)

☑️ 6 trainings by hand-picked expert periodontists who share the exact systems they use to treat periodontal disease so you, the general dentist, can gain a better understanding of the opportunities, issues, and solutions that are easily available to you.

Bonus #3- The Perio Patient Communication Atlas!

The Perio Patient Communication Atlas($497 value)

☑️ This is a digital communication & case acceptance tool used by Dr. Ziv Simon in his practice.

☑️ This Atlas is carefully curated to help you communicate perio conditions confidently with your patients. It’s your communications training wheels towards more clarity and case acceptance.   

 Dr. Ziv Simon has taught more than 100,000 dentists worldwide and sets the standard for surgical education:
Simple, concise, clear, predictable, safe and affordable. 

“I recently completed the Perio Program training and I have to say, it was an incredibly beneficial experience.

Dr Ziv was excellent and provided clear, detailed instruction.

I highly recommend this program to any dental professional in treating periodontal disease.”

Dr. Rene Ou

“I chose to enroll in the Perio Program because after many years of private practice and seeing that sometimes our periodontal treatments were successful and other times not so predictable, I wanted to learn what Dr. Simon tells his patients and how he treats and conveys the expectations of periodontal therapy. 

If you want up to date knowledge, clarity and confidence in periodontal diagnosis and treatment and how to properly communicate (proper verbiage) to your patients to calibrate their expectations, then Dr. Ziv Simon and his Perio Program will deliver that to you.” 

Dr. George Limantzakis

“I always found Perio complex yet I could not avoid it as it is integral to all dental treatments.

The Perio Program simplified the process of diagnosis and management into the rule of 3 – i.e. 3 Stages, 3 Grades, and 3 Treatment Buckets.

The teaching style is very simple, realistic and applicable the next day.

The Perio Program is value for money both as a self career investment and an investment for the practice.”

Dr. Sarah S Kiweewa

Name- Dr. Niyati Sheth

Rating 5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Name- Dr. Elias Kouvalis

Rating 5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Name- Dr. Diem Tram

Location- Minnesota

Rating 5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Name- Dr. Rosemarie Godfrey

Location- Perth, Australia

Rating 5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Name- Dr. Abdullah Mahmud

Location- Charlotte, North Carolina

Rating 5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Name- Dr. Ginal Bilimoria

Location- Auckland, New Zealand

Rating 5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Name- Dr. Anna Ortiz

Location- West Palm Beach, Florida

Rating 5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Name- Dr. Richard Waghalter

Rating 5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Name- Dr. Florence Lim

Rating 5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Name- Dr. Mohammad Ranjbari

Location- Chicago

Rating 5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Name- Dr. Priscilla Pahlawan

Location- Bali, Indonesia

Rating 5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Name- Dr. Mike Atwood

Location- Alberta, Canada

Rating 5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

“I recently completed the Perio Program training and I have to say, it was an incredibly beneficial experience.

Dr Ziv was excellent and provided clear, detailed instruction.

I highly recommend this program to any dental professional in treating periodontal disease.”

Dr. Rene Ou

“I chose to enroll in the Perio Program because after many years of private practice and seeing that sometimes our periodontal treatments were successful and other times not so predictable, I wanted to learn what Dr. Simon tells his patients and how he treats and conveys the expectations of periodontal therapy. 

If you want up to date knowledge, clarity and confidence in periodontal diagnosis and treatment and how to properly communicate (proper verbiage) to your patients to calibrate their expectations, then Dr. Ziv Simon and his Perio Program will deliver that to you.” 

Dr. George Limantzakis

“I always found Perio complex yet I could not avoid it as it is integral to all dental treatments.

The Perio Program simplified the process of diagnosis and management into the rule of 3 – i.e. 3 Stages, 3 Grades, and 3 Treatment Buckets.

The teaching style is very simple, realistic and applicable the next day.

The Perio Program is value for money both as a self career investment and an investment for the practice.”

Dr. Sarah S Kiweewa

Name- Dr. Niyati Sheth

Rating 5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Name- Dr. Elias Kouvalis

Rating 5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Name- Dr. Diem Tram

Location- Minnesota

Rating 5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Name- Dr. Rosemarie Godfrey

Location- Perth, Australia

Rating 5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Name- Dr. Abdullah Mahmud

Location- Charlotte, North Carolina

Rating 5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Name- Dr. Ginal Bilimoria

Location- Auckland, New Zealand

Rating 5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Name- Dr. Anna Ortiz

Location- West Palm Beach, Florida

Rating 5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Name- Dr. Richard Waghalter

Rating 5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Name- Dr. Florence Lim

Rating 5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Name- Dr. Mohammad Ranjbari

Location- Chicago

Rating 5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Name- Dr. Priscilla Pahlawan

Location- Bali, Indonesia

Rating 5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Name- Dr. Mike Atwood

Location- Alberta, Canada

Rating 5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Pick a flexible payment option below:
Save $160 with a One Time Payment Option 
Get the flexibility of a 3 Pay Option

This "bonus package" is a limited time promotion:

Pick a flexible payment option below:
Save $160 with a One Time Payment Option 
Get the flexibility of a 3 Pay Option

This "bonus package" is a limited time promotion:


Register for the Perio Program and Mentorship™ Today!

Register for the Perio Program and Mentorship™ Today!

To Summarize- Here's What You're Getting
☑️ 1. The Perio Program 6 Module Online Course- Immediate Access ($3500 value). The exact method and training a periodontist (Dr. Simon) uses to diagnose, make a treatment plan, and treat perio patients. 

⭐️This includes templates, fee structure, and exact forms Dr. Simon uses too! 

⭐️ Access this anytime on YOUR time, as much as you want. Access does not expire. This program is so step by step that you can watch specific parts even when needed.

Register Now To Get These 3 Bonuses

🎯 Access to Surgical Master LIVE Monthly Coaching (1 year $4800 value)

🎯 The Perio Experts Training Series($997 value)

🎯 The Perio Patient Communication Atlas($497 value)

Total Value $9794
Join Today For Only One Payment of $1997 or 3 payment option of $720! 

Special Pricing For Limited "Perio Program" Registrations During The Webinar!
Note- spots are TRULY limited for this. Join NOW! This page can expire anytime. 

Dr. Ziv Simon

You’ll learn the exact methods that Dr. Ziv Simon, a double-boarded periodontist in Beverly Hills, uses in his practice. You’ll be able to charge fairly, communicate with patients, manage stable revenue from perio cases, and receive mentorship and coaching to perfect your skills.
Register Below Today:
Dentist Information:
Office or Home Address(if you don't have your own practice)
Credit Card Number:
CVC Code:
Expiry Month:
Expiry Year:
Choose Your Payment Option Below: Price
$720/month for 3 months
Note- You'll get an email from Surgical Master upon registering, excited to help you create a perio growth center in your practice! You'll LOVE the effect this has on your patients and practice! 

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